Can I Add a Symbol Or a Category?
Yes! Go to the SymChat Home app, tap the menu button on the top-right corner, then edit, then add.
Can I Edit a Symbol?
Yes! Go to the SymChat Home app, tap the menu button on the top-right corner, then edit, then the symbol you’d like to edit.
Can I Edit The Symbols Grid?
Yes! Go to the SymChat Home app, tap the menu button on the top-right corner, then edit, then the drag the symbols to rearrange them.
Where Can I Find Plural Symbols?
Double tap on the symbol you want plural: if it exist, you’ll get the plural form.
Can I Choose The Verb Person?
Yes! Go to Settings > General. There you will find the option Verb Tense Selection. Select On if you want to have full control over symbol conjugation. Auto if you want to have partial control, or, finally, Off if you’d rather let SymChat handle everything!
Where is SymChat Messages?
Go to iOS Messages, then select a Chat, and tap on the plus at the bottom-left corner.
Where is SymChat Keyboard?
Go to iOS Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards > Add New Keyboard > SymChat. The tap on a text field, and on the globe at the bottom-left corner.
I can’t find a solution to an issue, what should I do?
Send us an email to support@symchat.org
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